When you receive a dementia diagnosis, it can be earth-shattering. You’ll likely experience many complicated emotions as you come to terms with this information. Though it can be challenging to think of much else during these times, creating an estate plan is imperative if you have not done so already. You’ll want to ensure your affairs are in order to achieve peace of mind that your wishes will be honored if you can no longer communicate them. If you’re unsure where to start, the following blog and Tampa estate planning lawyers can help you through these complex matters.

Why Is It Important to Estate Plan After a Dementia Diagnosis?

While it may not seem like a pressing matter, taking time to plan your estate following a dementia diagnosis is critical, as this ensures you can explain your wishes while still of sound mind. Waiting too long means your understanding of these matters can questioned, which can impact the outcome of your plan. As such, it’s crucial to handle this shortly after you receive the diagnosis.

Additionally, when your dementia progresses, you may be unable to make decisions regarding your medical care and finances. As such, making these decisions now can help you rest assured that your wishes will be followed if you cannot communicate them yourself.

What Documents Should I Establish?

If you have not done so already, one of the most important documents you can create as part of your estate plan is a will. This foundational document explains how you want your assets to be distributed upon your passing. Additionally, you can dictate your burial and funeral wishes in this document.

Next, you should establish an advanced healthcare directive as part of your estate plan. This is comprised of a living will and medical power of attorney. A living will allows you to establish your wishes regarding medical care. For example, you can dictate what measures you would like to be administered to you, such as whether or not you want or do not want life-prolonging measures taken. Appointing a medical power of attorney allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions for you if you can no longer communicate your wishes. This person will be familiar with your living will and will advocate for the care you want.

Similarly, you can appoint a financial power of attorney to manage your money and finances should you become incapacitated. They will have access to your financial information to manage your finances, like making investments, transferring funds to a trust fund, and paying bills.

As you can see, creating a comprehensive estate plan following a dementia diagnosis is critical. However, it’s no secret this can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced estate planning attorney who can help you navigate these complicated matters. At the Tampa Law Group, our competent and compassionate team will do everything in our power to make this process as easy as possible for you. Connect with us today to learn how we can assist you with creating an estate plan.