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Standing Temporary
Order In Florida Divorce


Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution. It is a process in which a mediator helps the parties in a case to reach an agreement. In Florida, family courts want the parties to reach an agreement on their own. The idea behind this is that the parties know the individual needs of their family and the parties are therefore the ones that should be making the decisions that are best for them and their family. In an effort to encourage this, family law judges will almost always order the parties to attend family mediation prior to trial.

The following are some of the duties and responsibilities that are specified in the Standing Temporary Order for Family Law Cases in Florida: 


  1. Any children should have “frequent and continuing contact with both parents when the parents separate or divorce.” In other words, neither parent should restrict the other parent’s ability to spend time with the children. In fact, each parent is instructed to “encourage a relationship between the children and the other parent.”  

  2. The Standing Temporary Oder for Family Law Cases also instructs each parent to take a parenting class. This is a requirement of the court and each party must submit a certificate of completion whether or not the parties are able to reach an agreement.

  3. Neither party is permitted to relocate any minor children from the county in which the minor children reside.  

  4. The Standing Temporary Order for Family Law Cases will contain a variety of instructions regarding the treatment of children throughout the divorce process. Courts in a Florida divorce or child custody case make the best interest of the children their top priority and they expect the parents to do the same. In furtherance of this goal, the parties are instructed not to discuss the case with any minor children, to work together to co-parent effectively, and to not engage in the alienation of a child’s affection for the other parent, among other things.

  5. Children should not be brought to court. 

  6. Neither party is to “conceal, damage, not dispose of any marital asset and neither party should dissipate the value of a marital asset.” In other words, it is ok to spend money on every day expenses but it is not ok to waste or dissipate funds or to change any interest that one party might have in a particular asset.  

  7. Neither party shall take on additional debt. 

  8. The Standing Temporary Order also includes the requirement that the parties attend mediation in an attempt to resolve the issues. 

  9. Both parties are required to exchange financial documents and to file a financial affidavit. This is referred to as mandatory disclosures. 

  10. Each party is expected to adhere to the rules of courtroom conduct, including appropriate attire and appropriate behavior. Additionally, each party is expected to follow all court procedures. This applies whether the party is represented by an attorney or is appearing pro se. 


It is important that you review the Standing Temporary Order for Family Law Cases carefully and that you follow the directives set by the court throughout your case. We will answer any questions that you may have to be sure that you understand all of the duties and responsibilities that are set forth in this order. 

CONTACT US today to schedule your CONFIDENTIAL consultation with one of our New Tampa Family Law Attorneys! Our offices are located in Tampa Palms and are convenient to New Tampa, Wesley Chapel, and the Greater Tampa Bay area

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